Back to the hands that lovingly crafted them
Our legendary repairs service has kept well-loved R.M.Williams boots in circulation for decades, employing the same time-honoured skills used to craft the boot originally, in the process of bringing it back to life. Providing its leather upper is still in one piece, any boot in need of some TLC can be sent back to our Adelaide workshop to undergo a range of repairs services, from a simple tug replacement to a full re-last.

The repairs team will review and treat each boot differently, depending on the exact refurbishments needed to restore it to its former glory. Our Goodyear welted construction makes all of this possible, allowing our skilled craftspeople to break the boot down and replace any worn-out components, without compromising its structural integrity, or the durability of that iconic one-piece leather upper.

Our repairs program is open all year round and available to boots of every tenure, so when you buy a pair of R.M.Williams boots, we like to think that your journey with us is just beginning.
From leather icon to lifelong companion

Aside from the practical benefits of refurbishing a well-fitting boot instead of purchasing a new one, our repairs program has also paved the way for some of our customers’ greatest love stories. Through years of wear, our boots become more than footwear; they’re lasting companions for life’s greatest adventures and take on true sentimental value. After a short, restorative stay with our repairs team, we can reunite you with your beloved boots and get you back on the road for your next adventure.

Over the years, we’ve heard epic tales of customers getting around in the same pair of boots for over 60 years, and heartwarming stories of boots being passed down through generations. With a fresh tune-up from the repairs team, anything is possible.

Stepping forward for people and planet

Our founder believed that a boot made well could last a lifetime, and over the past nine decades, we’ve proven this statement true, time and time again. The Goodyear welt is a vital ingredient in this sense of staying power, allowing for an easy resoling process without compromising on the structural integrity or comfort of the boot. It’s for this reason that we often see customers getting around in the same pair of RMs for half a century.
We’ve been making leather boots since 1932, following the lead of our revolutionary founder, Reginald Murray ‘RM’ Williams. He saw an opportunity to do things differently - to design with purpose and craft for longevity. And so he did. From one piece of leather, the R.M.Williams boot was born.
All these years later, we’re yet to find a better way to do things. Why fix what isn’t broken? Our method isn’t the easiest way, nor the quickest, but we’re safe in the knowledge that our boots are worthy of the adventures that you will take them on. They’re timeless, iconic, and above all, made to last.